70 TOP CSS and CSS3 Interview Questions and Answers pdf

Frequently asked top CSS and CSS3 Interview Questions and Answers for freshers and 2-5 year experienced web developers.

1) What is Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) ?
CSS is used for applying the styles for the HTML elements. So in a typical HTML document CSS will be applied to complete document for styling the elements.

2) What does “Cascading” in CSS mean?
“Cascading” refers to the cascading order in HTML document. This will sort the declared CSS in an order to avoid the conflicts.

3) What are the different types of CSS?
Below are the different types of CSS –
    Embedded – Adding the CSS styles in <style> attribute.
    Inline – Adding the CSS to the HTML elements.
    Linked/External – Adding the External CSS file to the HTML document.

4) Explain the advantages of CSS?

Below are some of the advantages of CSS –

    Multiple Device Compatibility
    Page will load fast
    Maintenance is Easy
    Offline Browsing

5) List out the components of CSS style?

Below are the different components of CSS styles –


6) Explain type selector in CSS?

Type selector matches the element of specific type. To give the color for all inputs with text types, we can do like this.

 color: #b2bfc7;

7) Explain universal selector in CSS?

Universal selectors is used to match any element types. Below is the example for the same. For example,

* {
 color: #FFFFFF;

This rule is used to render the content of all elements in our document in white.

8) Explain descendant selector in CSS?

Descendant selectors are used when any style to be applied to an element when the element lies inside some element. For example,

ul em {
 color: #FFFFFF;

As shown above style applied to element – “<em>” when it lies inside “<li>”.

9) Explain id selector in CSS?

Id selector is used to apply the style to an element based on the “id” of an element. For example,

#elementId {
 color: #FFFFFF;

In the above code snippet all the elements having id – “elementId” will have the color white.

10) Explain class selector in CSS?

Class selector is used to apply the style to an element based on the “class name” of an element. For example,

.elementClassName {
 color: #FFFFFF;

In the above code snippet all the elements having class name – “elementClassName” will have the color white.

11) Is it possible to make a class selector for a particular element? If so How?

Yes we can make a class selector for a particular element. Below is the example for the same –

h2.myelementClassName {
 color: #FFFFFF;

Above example depicts whenever class name – “myelementClassName” found under element “h2” apply white color.

12) How to use external style sheets?
External style sheets will be used to refer the style information from the external file. In HTML document this can be used to refer in the <HEAD> section like below –

 <Link rel=”stylesheet” href="/MyTestStyle.css" type="text/css">
</ Head >

13) Explain “Atrribute Selector” in CSS?
Attribute selector can be used to apply a style for an HTML element with particular attribute. Example gien below is used to apply a style for input element with particular attribute (text)

input[type = "text"]{
 color: #FFFFFF;

14) Is CSS a case-sensitive or case-insensitive?

CSS is case insensitive.

15) Which property will be used for changing the face of font in CSS?

“font family” property can be used for changing the face of font.

16) How to use grouping in CSS?

Grouping is mainly used for applying css style for multiple HTML elements and this can be done with single declaration. Example gien below is the example of the grouping –

h2, h3
 color: #FFFFFF;

17) Explain child selector in CSS?

Child selectors can be used for applying the style for parent element and this will descend to the child elements. Below is the example -

body > input{
 color: #FFFFF1;

Above example is used for applying the white color to all the inputs which are lying in body tag.

18) What is the to use “float” property in CSS?

Float property is used to allow an HTML element to be positioned horizontally. Float property can take the values either “left” or “right”. For example,

h1, h2
 float: right;

19) Which property is used to control the position in the background for image?

“background-position” property can be used for controlling the position of the image in background.

20) How do you write a conditional statement in CSS? Give an example.

Below is the example of writing a conditional statement in CSS –

<style type=”text/css”>
 color: #00BFFF;

<!—if [ IE 8] >
<style type=”text/css”>
 Background-color: #00FFBF;
<! [end if] -->

The above code snippet will change the background color to “00FFBF” if the browser is IE 8 or will have a default color if its other browsers.

21) Mention the property name which is used for making the font oblique in CSS?

“font-style” property can be used for making the font oblique.

22) List out the media types in CSS?

Below are the list of media types in CSS –

23) List all the font attributes in CSS?
Below are the list of font attributes –


 24) How we can eliminate the color border around the linked images in web page in CSS?
“border: none;“ is the style that can be used to eliminate the border of linked image.

25) List out the elements of CSS Box modal?
Below are the elements of CSS Box modal –


26) What is the use of z-index in CSS?

Z-Index is used to avoid the overlapping of the elements. Default value of z-index is 0 and it will take positive and negative values as well.

27) How to lighten the font weight in CSS?

“font-weight” property can be used for lightening the font weight in CSS.

28) Which css property is used for setting the type of cursor in CSS?

Property – “cursor” is used for setting the type of cursor.

29) List out any 5 properties of cursor in CSS?

Below are the list of properties of cursor –


30) List out some of the properties in added in CSS3?

Below are the some of the properties in CSS3-

    Border Images
    New Web fonts
    Multi Column layout
    Box Shadows
    Text Shadows
    Transform property

31) What is the difference between inline and block elements in CSS?

Block elements will leave a space before and after the element and it uses full width available. Eg: <div>, <h1>

Inline elements will take only the required width. Eg: <span>, <a>

32) List out main properties of CSS style sheets?

Below are some of main properties in CSS style sheets –


33) What is the difference between “display:none” and “visibility:hidden” in CSS?

    “Display:none” – This will just hide the element and does not take any space of the element.
    “visibility:hidden” – This also hides the element and will take space for the element and this will affect the entire layout of the document.

34) What is the property used for formatting the texts in CSS?

Property – “white-space” is used for formatting the text.

35) List out the possible values for attribute – “Position” in CSS?
Below are the list of possible values for attribute – “Position” -


36) Which property is used for underlining the link in CSS?

Property – “text-decoration” is used for underlining the link.

37) How to give a line break using span in CSS?

“display: block” can be used with “span” element to add a line break.

<span style=” display: block” />

38) Can I give more than one css class to a HTML element?

Yes we can give more than one css class to a HTML element.

39) How to add comments in CSS?

Below is the sample style for adding the comments –

/* test comment */

40) Which property can be used for aligning the text in the document?

Property – “text- align” can be used for aligning the text in the document.

41) How we can set a wait cursor by CSS?

Below is the line to set the wait cursor –

document.body.style.cursor = ‘wait’;

42) What you mean by pseudo classes in CSS?

Pseudo classes will allow you to identify the HTML elements. These classes are specified with “:” and pseudo class and element name.

a:hover {font-color: green;}

43) How to give rounded corners in CSS3?

Rounded corners can be given to any element using the property – “border-radius”.

44) List out the properties of rounded corners in CSS3?

Below are the properties of rounded corners –


45) Which are the new backgrounds are added in CSS3?

Below are the new background properties are added in CSS3-

46) Mention the syntax for adding multiple background images in CSS3?
Below is the syntax for adding multiple background images –

background-image: url(test1.gif), url(test2.gif);

47) What you mean by word wrapping in CSS3?
Word wrapping means breaking the long words to next line. Below is the example for that –


48) What is the main difference between CSS and CSS3?

CSS3 have new features like – Model, Selectors, Backgrounds, Text effects, Animators etc. which were not there in CSS.
49) How we can create text shadow and box shadow in CSS3?

Box shadow can be created like this –

box-shadow: 5px 5px 2px #fffff;

Text shadow can be created like this –

text-shadow: 5px 5px 2px #fffff;

50) List out the new texts added in CSS3?

Below are the list of texts added in CSS3 –

    Word- break

51) How we can use transition effect in CSS3?

Below are the two things to be specified to create a transition effect –

    Duration of the effect
    CSS property to be added for an effect

52) List out the properties of transition in CSS3?

Below are the properties of transition in CSS3 –


53) List out the possible “Position” attribute values in CSS?

Below are the list of possible “Position” values –


54) What are the types of gradients in CSS3?

Below are the types of gradients in CSS3 –

    Radial gradients
    Linear gradients

55) List out the text properties of CSS3?

Below are the list of text properties used in CSS3 –


56) Explain opacity in CSS3?

Opacity is used to hide or show an element in CSS3. Value – ‘0’ to hide the element and value ‘1’ means showing an element.

Below is the sample for the same –

<p style = “opacity:0”> Hide Text </p>

57) What is the difference between “cell-padding” and “cell-spacing”?

    “Cell-Padding” – This used to leave the space between the content of cell and wall/border of the cell.
    “Cell-Spacing” – This used to specify the space between the cells.
58) What would be the difference between “width:auto” and “width:100%” in CSS?

“width:auto” reaches to the full width and it will subtract borders, paddings, margins etc. from the available space where as “width:100%” will force the element to be as wide as its parent element and will add additional spacing which can cause some problems.

59) How to change the color of anchor tag in CSS?

For changing the anchor tag color using CSS –

a:link {
 color: #FFFFFF;

60) What is the syntax to display an image in anchor tag in CSS?

Below is the syntax to display image in anchor tag in CSS –

a {
 background-image: url(MyImage.png);

61) Can we declare css classes more than once?

Yes. We can declare css classes more than once.

62) Why to use @import tag at the top of CSS file?

@Import tag is used to at the top to avoid the rules to override.

63) Explain Media Queries in CSS3?

Media queries are used for doing below things –

    For checking the height and width of a device.
    For checking the height and width of a viewport.

64) List out the border properties in CSS?

Below are the list of properties for border in CSS –

    Border-bottom -style
    Border-left-style etc.

65) How to combine the stylesheets?

We can combine the stylesheets using – “LINK” tag. Below is the syntax for the same –

<LINK REL=Stylesheet HREF="myfirst.css">
<LINK REL=Stylesheet HREF="mysecond.css">
<LINK REL=Stylesheet HREF="mythird.css">

66) How to avoid the repetitive background images using CSS?

Repetitive back ground images can be avoided using – “no-repeat”. Below is the syntax for the same –

body {
background-image: url(myImg.gif) no-repeat ;

67) Define short hand property in CSS?

Shorthand property is a property which can made up of multiple individual properties. Below is the sample example for the same –

 font-weight: bold;
 font-style: italic;
 font-variant: normal;
 font-size: 20%;

As shown in the above example to reduce the size and complication of stylesheet file all the properties are merged so this is called shorthand property.

68) What is the option to place the paragraphs next to each other using CSS?

Below is the sample code for aligning the paragraphs next to each other –

<div style="float: left; width: 50%">MyParagraphText1</div>
<div style="float: left; width: 50%">MyParagraphText2</div>

69) What are CSS Lists types?

Below are the two CSS list types –

    Ordered list (<ol>) - list items will be marked in numbers.
    Unordered List (<ul>) - list items will be marked in bullets.

60 TOP AngularJS Bootstrap Interview Questions and Answers pdf

MOST ASKED AngularJS Bootstrap Interview Questions. Read AngularJS Bootstrap Interview Questions for JOB INTERVIEW PDF for freshers & experienced candidates.

1. What is AngularJS?
AngularJS is an open-source JavaScript framework, maintained by Google, that assists with running single-page applications. Its goal is to augment browser-based applications with model–view–controller capability, in an effort to make both development and testing easier.

2. Can you please explain what is testability like in Angular?
Very testable and designed this way from ground up. It has an integrated dependency injection framework, provides mocks for many heavy dependencies (server-side communication).

3. Tell me does Angular use the jQuery library?
Yes, Angular can use jQuery if it’s present in your app when the application is being bootstrapped. If jQuery is not present in your script path, Angular falls back to its own implementation of the subset of jQuery that we call jQLite.

4. Tell me can we use the open-source Closure Library with Angular?
Yes, you can use widgets from the Closure Library in Angular.

5. Do you know what is Angulars performance like?
The startup time heavily depends on your network connection, state of the cache, browser used and available hardware, but typically we measure bootstrap time in tens or hundreds of milliseconds.
The runtime performance will vary depending on the number and complexity of bindings on the page as well as the speed of your backend (for apps that fetch data from the backend). Just for an illustration we typically build snappy apps with hundreds or thousands of active bindings.

6. Tell me which browsers does Angular work with?
We run our extensive test suite against the following browsers: Safari, Chrome, Firefox, Opera, IE8, IE9 and mobile browsers (Android, Chrome Mobile, iOS Safari). See Internet Explorer Compatibility for more details in supporting legacy IE browsers.

7. What is ng-app in AngularJS?
To initialize the Angular Application.

8. What is ng-init in AngularJS?
To initialize the Angular Application data.

9. In which language, AngularJS is written?

10. When First AngularJS was released?
AngularJS was released in 2009.

11. When latest AngularJS was released?
October 31, 2014.

12. What is latest version of AngularJS?

13. Is it opensource?
Yes, It is free to use.

14. What are the key features of Angular.js?
    Data Binding

15. What is controller in AngularJS?
Controller is constructor function in Angular Controller. When a Controller is attached to the DOM with use the ng-controller, Angular will instantiate a new Controller object using constructor function.

16. What are directives?
Directives are used to add new attributes of HTML.

17. What are the different types of Directives?
Different types of directives are:
    Element directives
    Attribute directives
    CSS class directives
    Comment directives

18. What is injector?
An injector is a service locator, used to retrieve object instances.

19. What are factory method in angularJs?
Factory method are used to create the directive. It is invoked only once, when compiler matches the directive for the first time.

20. What is ng-model in AngularJS?
To bind the html tags (input, select, textarea) to Angular Application Data.
AngularJS Interview Questions Answers:

21. What is Data Binding in Angular JS?
It is synchronization of data between the model(Angular Application variable) and view components (display with {{}}).

22. How to initiate variable in AngularJS?
<div ng-app=”” ng-init=”quantity=10;cost=5″>
<b>Total Cost: {{ quantity * cost }}</b>

23. Does Angular use the jQuery library?
Yes, Angular can use jQuery if you have included the jQuery library.
IF Not, Angular falls back to its own implementation of the subset of jQuery that we call jQLite.

24. Give an Example of Data-Binding in AngularJS?
<div ng-app=”” ng-init=”quantity=10;cost=5″ class=”ng-scope”>
<b class=”ng-binding”>Total Cost: 50</b>

25. What is Looping in AngularJs?
It is used to display the data in loop same as foreach in PHP.

26. How to Write Expression in AngularJS?
<div ng-app=””>
<b>Expression: {{ 15 + 55 }}</b>

27. Example of AngularJS Strings?
<div ng-app=”” ng-init=”Str1=’Web’;Str2=’Technology'”>
Full String is : <b>{{ Str1 + ” ” + Str2 }}</b>

28. Example of AngularJS Object?
<div ng-app=”” ng-init=”myobj={Str1:’Web’,Str2:’Technology’}”>
String Display: <b>{{ myobj.Str2 }}</b></div>

29. What is Angular Controllers?
Controller is constructor function in Angular Controller.
When a Controller is attached to the DOM with use the ng-controller, Angular will instantiate a new Controller object using constructor function.

30. Do you know what is scope in Angular.js?
Scope refers to the application model, it acts like glue between application controller and the view. Scopes are arranged in hierarchical structure and impersonate the DOM ( Document Object Model) structure of the application. It can watch expressions and propagate events.

31. Do you know what is services in Angular.js?
In angular.js, services are the singleton objects or functions that are used for carrying out specific tasks. It holds some business logic and these function can be called as controllers, directive, filters and so on.

32. What is Context in AngularJS?
In Angular, the expressions are evaluated against a scope object, while the Javascript expressions are evaluated against the global window.

33. What are the advantages of using Angular.js?
Angular.js has several advantages in web development:
    Angular.js supports MVS pattern
    Can do two ways data binding using Angular.js
    It has per-defined form validations
    It supports both client server communication
    It supports animations

34. What is Forgiving in AngularJS?
In Angular expression evaluation is forgiving to null and undefined, while in Javascript undefined properties generates TypeError or ReferenceError.

35. What is “No Control Flow Statements” in AngularJS?
Loops, conditionals or exceptions cannot be used in an angular expression.

MOST ASKED AngularJS Interview Questions and Answers PDF

36. Tell me with options on page load how you can initialize a select box?
You can initialize a select box with options on page load by using ng-init directive
<div ng-controller = ” apps/dashboard/account ” ng-switchOn = “! ! accounts” ng-init = ” loadData ( ) “>

37. What Angular JS routes does?
Angular js routes enable you to create different URLs for different content in your application. Different URLs for different content enables user to bookmark URLs to specific content. Each such bookmarkable URL in Angular.js is called a route.
A value in Angular JS is a simple object. It can be a number, string or JavaScript object. Values are typically used as configuration injected into factories, services or controllers. A value should be belong to an Angular.js module.
Injecting a value into an Angular.js controller function is done by adding a parameter with the same name as the value.

38. What is data binding in Angular.js?
Automatic synchronization of data between the model and view components is referred as data binding in Angular.js.
There are two ways for data binding:
    Data mining in classical template systems
    Data binding in angular templates

39. What is registering callbacks in AngularJS?
There is no need to register callbacks . This makes your code simple and easy to debug.

40. What is “control HTML DOM programmatically” in AngularJS?
All the application that are created using Angular never have to manipulate the DOM although it can be done if it is required.

41. What is “Transfer data to and from the UI” in AngularJS?
Angular.js helps to eliminate almost all of the boiler plate like validating the form, displaying validation errors, returning to an internal model and so on which occurs due to flow of marshalling data.

42. What is “no initilization code” in AngularJS?
With angular.js you can bootstrap your app easily using services, which auto-injected into your application in Guice like dependency injection style.

43. What is string interpolation in angular.js?
In angular.js the compiler during the compilation process matches text and attributes using interpolate service to see if they contains embedded expressions. As part of normal digest cycle these expressions are updated and registered as watches.

44. On what steps for the compilation process of HTML happens?
Compilation of HTML process occurs in following ways:
    Using the standard browser API, first the HTML is parsed into DOM
    By using the call to the $compile () method, compilation of the DOM is performed. The method traverses the DOM and matches the directives.
    Link the template with scope by calling the linking function returned from the previous step.

45. What is linking function?
Link combines the directives with a scope and produce a live view. For registering DOM listeners as well as updating the DOM, link function is responsible. After the template is cloned it is executed.

46. What is Pre-linking function in AngularJS?
Pre-linking function is executed before the child elements are linked. It is not considered as the safe way for DOM transformation.

47. What is Post linking function in AngularJS?
Post linking function is executed after the child elements are linked. It is safe to do DOM transformation by post-linking function.

48. What is Compile function in AngularJS?
It is used for template DOM Manipulation and collect all of the directives.

49. What is Link function in AngularJS?
It is used for registering DOM listeners as well as instance DOM manipulation. It is executed once the template has been cloned.

50. What is factory method in angular.js?
For creating the directive, factory method is used. It is invoked only once, when compiler matches the directive for the first time. By using $injector.invoke the factory method is invoked.

51. What are the styling form that ngModel adds to CSS classes?
ngModel adds these CSS classes to allow styling of form as well as control:
    ng- valid
    ng- invalid

52. What are the characteristics of “Scope”?
    To observer model mutations scopes provide APIs ($watch).
    To propagate any model changes through the system into the view from outside of the Angular realm.
    A scope inherits properties from its parent scope, while providing access to shared model properties, scopes can be nested to isolate application components.
    Scope provides context against which expressions are evaluated.

53. What is dependency injection in AngularJS?
DI or Dependency Injection is a software design pattern that deals with how code gets hold of its dependencies. In order to retrieve elements of the application which is required to be configured when module gets loaded , the operation “config” uses dependency injection.

54. How an object or function can get a hold of its dependencies?
These are the ways that object uses to hold of its dependencies
    Typically using the new operator, dependency can be created.
    By referring to a global variable, dependency can be looked up.
    Dependency can be passed into where it is required.

55. What are the advantages of using Angular.js framework?
Advantages of using Angular.js as framework are:
    Supports two way data-binding
    Supports MVC pattern
    Support static template and angular template
    Can add custom directive
    Supports REST full services
    Supports form validations
    Support both client and server communication
    Support dependency injection
    Applying Animations
    Event Handlers

56. Can you please explain the difference between angular.js and backbone.js?
Angular.js combines the functionalities of most of the 3rd party libraries, it supports individual functionalities required to develop HTML5 Apps. While Backbone.js do their jobs individually.

57. What are the concept of scope hierarchy? Tell me how many scope can an application have?
Each angular application consist of one root scope but may have several child scopes. As child controllers and some directives create new child scopes, application can have multiple scopes. When new scopes are formed or created they are added as a children of their parent scope. Similar to DOM, they also creates a hierarchical structure.

TOP 50 BOOTSTRAP Interview Questions and Answers pdf

This article contains TOP BOOTSTRAP Interview Questions and Answers which are generally asked during corporate interviews. The whole purpose of this article is to provide a quick overview of BOOTSTRAP Interview Questions and Answers and touch the core concepts behind responsive design practices in brief.

BOOTSTRAP Interview Questions and Answers List

BOOTSTRAP Interview Questions
BOOTSTRAP Interview Questions and Answers

21. what is Bootstrap well?
Bootstrap well is a container <div> that makes the content to appear sunken or an inset effect on the page. In order to create a well, wrap the content that you would like to appear in the well with a <div> containing the class of .well.

22. Explain how you can create Nav elements in Bootstrap?
Bootstrap offers various options for styling navigation elements all of them use the same markup and base class .nav.
To create Tabular Navigation or Tabs:
► Start with a basic unordered list with the base class of .nav
► Then add class .nav-tabs

23. Explain what is the use of Bootstrap Carousel plugin?
The Carousel plugin is used to add a slider to your site. It is useful in condition where you want to display huge amount of contents within a small space on the web pages. Some of the standard carousel includes
– .carousel (options)
– .carousel (‘cycle’)
– .carousel (‘pause’)
– .carousel (‘number’)
– .carousel (‘prev’)
– .carousel (‘next’)

24. Can we include bootstrap CDN instead of download the Bootstrap?
Yes sure, we can do from following:-
<!– Latest compiled and minified CSS –>
<link href=”http://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.2.0/css/bootstrap.min.css” rel=”stylesheet”></link>

25. What is difference between Fluid Layout and responsive Layout?
Fluid layout adapts itself to different browser window sizes, all the values used are calculated proportionally to the viewport size, so when resizing, all the columns are resized.
Responsive layout is able to adapt itself to different sizes as well. When resizing, the number of columns changes according to the available space.

26. What is Jumbotron?
Jumbotron is used for content that you want to highlight like some slogan OR marketing headline.

27. What to display code in bootstrap?
you can use following tags

28. What is Modal plugin used for in Bootstrap?
Modal Plugin is a child window that is layered over its parent window

29. What is Bootstrap Container in Bootstrap?
Bootstrap container is a class which is useful and creating a centred area in the page for display.

30. What is Bootstrap collapsing elements?
Bootstrap collapsing elements enables you to collapse any element without using external JavaScript.






Bootstrap Interview Questions and Answers for Experienced Part2

This article contains TOP BOOTSTRAP Interview Questions and Answers which are generally asked during corporate interviews. The whole purpose of this article is to provide a quick overview of BOOTSTRAP Interview Questions and Answers and touch the core concepts behind responsive design practices in brief.

BOOTSTRAP Interview Questions and Answers List

BOOTSTRAP Interview Questions
BOOTSTRAP Interview Questions and Answers

11. What is the use of Jumbotron in Bootstrap?
In bootstrap, Jumbotron is generally used for content that you want to highlight like some slogan or marketing headline etc. in other words it is used to enlarge the size of the headings and to add a margin for landing page content
To use the Jumbotron in Bootstrap
► Create a container <div> with the class of .jumbotron

12. What is the difference between Bootstrap and Foundation?
– Bootstrap offers unlimited number of UI elements
– Bootstraps uses pixels
– Bootstrap encourages to design for both desktop and mobile.
– Bootstrap support LESS as its preprocessor
– In Foundation UI element options are very limited in numbers
– Foundation use REMs
– Foundation encourages to design mobile first
– Foundation support Sass and Compass as its preprocessor

13. In Bootstrap what are the two ways you can display the code?
In bootstrap you can display code in two ways
► <code> tag : If you are going to display code inline, you should use <code> tag
► <pre> tag: If you want to display the code as a standalone block element or it has multiple lines then you should use <pre> tag

14. what are the steps for creating basic or vertical forms?
The steps for creating basic or vertical forms are
► Add a role form to the parent <form> element
► Wrap labels and controls in a <div> with class .form-group. To achieve optimum spacing this is needed
► Add a class of .form-control to all texturl <input> , <textarea> , and <select> elements

15. what is Modal plugin used for in Bootstrap?
A modal is a child window that is layered over its parent window. Using a custom Jquery Plugin, Bootstrap Modal are created. To enrich user experience and to add functionality to users, modal windows are created with the help of Modal plugin.

16. what is Bootstrap Container?
Bootstrap container is a class which is useful and creates a centred area within the page where our site content can be put within. The advantage of the bootstrap .container is that it is responsive and will place all our other HTML code.

17. what is Bootstrap collapsing elements?
Bootstrap collapsing elements enables you to collapse any particular element without writing any JavaScript code or the accordion markup. In Bootstrap to apply collapsing elements you have to add data-toggle= “collapse” to the controller element along with a data-target or href to automatically assign control of a collapsible element. Likewise, you can use .collapse (options), .collapse (‘show’) or .collapse (‘hide’)

18. what is list group in Bootstrap and what is the use of it?
List groups are components to display both simple and complex element with custom content
For example, a simple list group is created using class .list-group to address the list, and class .list-group-item to address individual item.

19. How you can add badge to list group in Bootstrap?
To add badge to list group in Bootstrap you have to simply add <span class = “badge”> within the <li> element.

20. what media object in Bootstrap is and what are their types?
Media objects in Bootstrap enables to put media object like image, video or audio to the left or right of the content blocks. Media element can be created using the class .media and the source is specified in using the class .media-object. Media-objects are of two types,
They are of two types:
► .media
► .media-list






100 TOP Bootstrap Multiple Choice Questions and Answers PDF

Read the most frequently asked 100 top Bootstrap multiple choice questions and answers PDF for freshers and experienced

Bootstrap Multiple Choice Questions and Answers

Bootstrap Objective type Questions and Answers List

1. Which of the following is correct about Bootstrap Grid System?
A. Predefined grid classes like .row and .col-xs-4 are available for quickly making grid layouts. LESS mixins can also be used for more semantic layouts.
B. Columns create gutters (gaps between column content) via padding. That padding is offset in rows for the first and the last column via negative margin on .rows.
C. Grid columns are created by specifying the number of twelve available columns you wish to span. For example, three equal columns would use three .col-xs-4.
D. All of the above.
Ans: D

2. Which of the following class applies the hover color to a particular row or cell of a table?
A. .active
B. .success
C. .warning
D. .danger
Ans: A

3. Which of the following bootstrap style of button indicates caution should be taken with this action?
A. .btn-warning
B. .btn-danger
C. .btn-link
D. .btn-info
Ans: A

4. Which of the following bootstrap style helps to combine sets of <div class=”btn-group”> into a <div class=”btn-toolbar”> for more complex components?
A. .btn-group
B. .btn-toolbar
C. .btn-group-lg
D. .btn-group-vertical
Ans: B

5. Which of the following bootstrap styles are used to create a vertical pills navigation?
A. .nav, .nav-tabs
B. .nav, .nav-pills
C. .nav, .nav-pills, .nav-stacked
D. .nav, .nav-tabs, .nav-justified
Ans: C

6. Which of the following bootstrap style can be used to to get different size items of .pagination?
A. .lg, .sm
B. .pagination-lg, .pagination-sm
C. .menu-lg, .menu-sm
D. None of the above.
Ans: B

7. Which of the following is correct about Bootstrap jumbotron?
A. This component can optionally increase the size of headings and add a lot of margin for landing page content.
B. To use the Jumbotron: Create a container <div> with the class of .jumbotron.
C. Both of the above.
D. None of the above.
Ans: C

8. Which of the following is correct about bootstrap media objects?
A. These are abstract object styles for building various types of components (like blog comments, Tweets, etc.) that feature a left-aligned or right-aligned image alongside the textual content.
B. The goal of the media object is to make the code for developing these blocks of information drastically shorter.
C. Both of the above.
D. None of the above.
Ans: C

9. Which of the following is correct about data-remote Data attribute of Modal Plugin?
A. It specifies static for a backdrop, if you don’t want the modal to be closed when the user clicks outside of the modal.
B. It closes the modal when escape key is pressed; set to false to disable.
C. It shows the modal when initialized.
D. Using the jQuery .load method, injects content into the modal body. If anhref with a valid URL is added, it will load that content.
Ans: D

10. Which of the following is correct about data-trigger Data attribute of popover Plugin?
a)  Sets the default title value if the title attribute isn’t present.
b)  Defines how the popover is triggered.
c)  Defines default content value if data-content attribute isn’t present
d)  Delays showing and hiding the popover in ms.
Ans: B

11.Which class indicates a dropdown menu?
a)  .dropdown-list
b)  .select
c)  .dropdown
Ans: C

12. A standard navigation tab is created with:
a)  <ul class=”navigation-tabs”>
b)  <ul class=”nav tabs”>
c)  <ul class=”navnav-tabs”>
d)  <ul class=”navnav-navbar”>
Ans: B

13. A standard navigation bar is created with:
a.  <nav class=”navnavbar”>
b.  <nav class=”navbar default-navbar”>
c.  <nav class=”navbar navbar-default”>
d. <nav class=”navigationbarnavbar-default”>
Ans: C

14. Which class is used to create a black navigation bar?
a.  .navbar-default
b.  .navbar-black
c.  .navbar-dark
d.  .navbar-inverse
Ans: D

15. Which plugin is used to cycle through elements, like a slideshow?
a.  orbit
b.  slideshow
c.  scrollspy
d.  carousel
Ans: D

16. Which plugin is used to create a modal window?
a.  modal
b.  window
c.  dialog Box
d.  popup
Ans: A

17. Which plugin is used to create a tooltip?
a.  popup
b.  tooltip
c.  modal
d.  dialog Box
Ans: B

18. Ques. Bootstrap’s grid system allows up to
a. 6 columns across the page
b. 12 columns across the page
c.  columns across the page
d. columns across the page
Ans: B

19. Default size of H5 bootstrap heading
a. 14px
b. 16px
c. 18px
d. 20px
Ans: A

20.  The .container-fluid class provides
a. Fixed width container
b. Table format
c. To create a Form
d. Full width container
Ans: D

21. Which one is the bootstrap JS CDN url
a. <script src=”http://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.2.0/js/bootstrap.min.js”&gt;
b. <script src=”http://cdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.2.0/js/bootstrap.min.js”&gt;
c. <script src=”http://maxcdn.bootstrap.com/bootstrap/3.2.0/js/bootstrap.min.js”&gt;
d. <script src=”http://max.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.2.0/js/bootstrap.min.js”&gt;
Ans: A

22. Which of the following class makes round corner image for automatically adjust to fit the size of the screen?
a. .img-res-image
b. .img-responsive-image
c. .img-responsive
d. .img-res
Ans: C

23. Containers are nestable
Ans: B

24. Medium devices are defined as having a screen width from
a. 900 pixels to 1000 pixels
b. 768 pixels to 991 pixels
c. 992 pixels to 1199 pixels
d. 512 pixels to 2048 pixels
Ans: C

25. Which of the following class makes round corner image
a. .img-rounded
b. .img-round-corner
c. .img-rnd
d. .img-circle
Ans: A

26. The .container class provides
a. Full width container
b. Fixed width container
c. Table format
d. To create a Form
Ans: B

27. Glyphicons used for
a. using different icons like badge
b. using slideshow
c. using animation
d. using favicon
Ans: A

28. Using the Bootstrap CDN makes:
a. Slows the connection
b. Many users already have downloaded Bootstrap from MaxCDN when visiting another site. As a result, it will be loaded from cache when they visit

your site, which leads to faster loading time
c. Will make extra http connection
d. None
Ans: B

29. Which class creates pagination?
a. pagination
b. pager
c. pagination-link
d. link-pagination
Ans: A

30. Default size of H3 bootstrap heading
a. 18px
b. 30px
c. 26px
d. 24px
Ans: D

31. In Bootstrap Small devices are defined as having a screen width from
a. 512 pixels to 1024 pixels
b. 256 pixels to 1024 pixels
c. 700 pixels to 900 pixels
d. 768 pixels to 991 pixels
Ans: D

32. Which class creates list of items?
a. lst-group
b. list-group
c. menu-group
d. list-grp
Ans: B

33. Bootstrap’s global default line-height
a. 1.128
b. 1.428
c. 1.228
d. 1.8
Ans: B

34. Bootstrap is developed by
a. James Gosling
b. Mark Jukervich
c. Mark Otto and Jacob Thornton
d. None of them
Ans: C

35. Bootstrap is a free front-end framework
b. FALSe
Ans: A

36. In Grid move columns to the right using
a. .col-md-left-*
b. .col-md-margin-*
c. .col-md-offset-*
d. None of these
Ans: C

37. Default size of H2 bootstrap heading
a. 20px
b. 24px
c. 30px
d. 36px
Ans: C

38. Which class should be used for creating page navigation with Previous and Next.
a. pagination
b. pager
c. nav
d. carousel
Ans: B

39. Large devices are defined as having a screen width from
a. 1000 pixels and above
b. 1100 pixels and above
c. 1200 pixels and above
d. 1024 pixels and above
Ans: C

40. Which is default for a form
a. Horizontal Form
b. Vertical Form
c. Inline Form
d. None of these
Ans: B

41. Change the order of the grid columns with
a. .col-md-front-* and .col-md-back-*
b. .col-md-right-* and .col-md-left-*
c. .col-md-move-right-* and .col-md-move-left-*
d. .col-md-push-* and .col-md-pull-*
Ans: D

42. Default size of H1 bootstrap heading
a. 20px
b. 24px
c. 30px
d. 36px
Ans: D

43. In <meta name=”viewport” content=”width=device-width, initial-scale=1″>the width=device-width part sets
a. To view in Desktop only
b. The width of the page to follow the screen-width of the device (which will vary depending on the device)
c. To view for Mobile only
d. None of these
Ans: B

44. Default size of H6 bootstrap heading
a. 10px
b. 12px
c. 14px
d. 16px
Ans: B

45. Which one is the bootstrap CSS CDN url
a. <link rel=”stylesheet” href=”http://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.2.0/css/bootstrap.min.css”&gt;
b. <link rel=”stylesheet” href=”http://bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.2.0/css/bootstrap.min.css”&gt;
c. <link rel=”stylesheet” href=”http://bootstrap.com/bootstrap/3.2.0/css/bootstrap.min.css”&gt;
d. <link rel=”stylesheet” href=”http://maxcdn.bootstrap.com/bootstrap/3.2.0/css/bootstrap.min.css”&gt;
Ans: A

46. What should be used to indicate badge in bootstrap
a. <span class=”badge”>10</span>
b. <span class=”badgeno”>10</span>
c. <span class=”badges”>10</span>
d. <span class=”badgecount”>10</span>
Ans: A

47. Can we create badges inside buttons?
a. Yes
b. No
Ans: A

48.   .col-lg provides
a.  To make width size
b. To make height size
c. To make width and height both
d. To make character entry size
Ans: A

49. The bootstrap class xs means for
a. phones
b. tablets
c. desktop
d. larger desktops
Ans: A

50. The bootstrap class md means for
a. phones
b. tablets
c. desktop
d. larger desktops
Ans: C

51. The bootstrap class lg means for
a. phones
b. tablets
c. desktop
d. larger desktops
Ans: D

52. What is aspect ratio?
a. The aspect ratio of an image describes the proportional relationship between its height and its width.
b. The aspect ratio of an image describes the proportional relationship between its width and its height.
c. Its height
d. Its width
Ans: B

53.  .input-lg provides
a. To make width size
b. To make height size
c. To make width and height both
d. To make character entry size
Ans: B

54. The bootstrap class sm means for
a. phones
b. tablets
c. desktop
d. larger desktops
Ans: B

55. Default size of H4 bootstrap heading
a. 16px
b. 18px
c. 24px
d. 30px
Ans: B

56. The Bootstrap grid system has four classes which defines screen size:
a. s, sm, mid, lg
b. xs, sm, md, lg
c. x, sm, md, lg
d. xs, sml, mid, lg
Ans: B

57. Which of the following class makes thumbnail image
a. .img-tmbnail
b. .img-thumbnail-image
c. .img-thumb
d. .img-thumbnail
Ans: D

58.   .btn-group class will make button group as
a. Vertical
b. Horizontal
c. Menu
d. Dropdown
Ans: B

59. In <meta name=”viewport” content=”width=device-width, initial-scale=1″>the initial-scale=1 part sets
a. To make zoom in Mobile only
b. To make zoom in Desktop only
c. initial zoom level when the page is first loaded by the browser
d. None of these
Ans: C

60. Which class to be used to create a button as a link in bootstrap
a. .btn-hyperlink
b. .btn-link
c. .btn-url
d. .btn-anchor
Ans: B

61. Which class should be used to indicate a button group?
a. btn-group-buttons
b. btn-group
c. btn-grp
d. btn-buttons
Ans: B

62. Bootstrap’s global default font-size is
a. 10px
b. 12px
c. 13px
d. 14px
Ans: D

63. What is the button class to indicate danger
a. .btn-info
b. .btn-danger-button
c. .btn-danger
d. .btn-warning
Ans: C

64. Which of the following class makes circle image
a. .img-circle-corner
b. .img-crl
c. .img-circle
d. .img-clr
Ans: C

65. The Carousel plugin is a component
a. For getting lot of icons
b. For cycling through elements like slideshow
c. For animation
d. None of these
Ans: B

66. In Bootstrap we can add <meta name=”viewport” content=”width=device-width, initial-scale=1″> for
a. Proper Rendering and Zooming in mobile
b. Make SEO
c. Make proper view of labels
d. None
Ans: A

67. Stacked-to-horizontal grid becomes
a. horizontal on desktops
b. horizontal on mobiles/tablets
c. horizontal on all devices
d. stacked on all devices
Ans: B

68. Which of the following is correct about Bootstrap?
A. Bootstrap is a sleek, intuitive, and powerful, mobile first front-end framework for faster and easier web development.
B. It uses HTML, CSS and Javascript.
C. Bootstrap was developed by Mark Otto and Jacob Thornton at Twitter.
D. All of the above.

69. Which of the following is correct about Bootstrap?
A. Bootstrap's responsive CSS adjusts to Desktops,Tablets and Mobiles.
B. Provides a clean and uniform solution for building an interface for developers.
C. It contains beautiful and functional built-in components which are easy to customize.
D. All of the above.

70. Which of the following is a part of Mobile First Strategy of Bootstrap?
A. Content: Determine what is most important.
B. Layout: Design to smaller widths first. Base CSS address mobile device first; media queries address for tablet, desktops.
C. Progressive Enhancement: Add elements as screen size increases.
D. All of the above.

71. Which of the following is correct about Bootstrap Grid System?
A. Rows must be placed within a .container class for proper alignment and padding.
B. Use rows to create horizontal groups of columns.
C. Content should be placed within the columns, and only columns may be the immediate children of rows.
D. All of the above.

72. Which of the following is correct about Bootstrap Grid System?
A. Predefined grid classes like .row and .col-xs-4 are available for quickly making grid layouts. LESS mixins can also be used for more semantic

B. Columns create gutters (gaps between column content) via padding. That padding is offset in rows for the first and the last column via negative

margin on .rows.
C. Grid columns are created by specifying the number of twelve available columns you wish to span. For example, three equal columns would use three

D. All of the above.

73. Which of the following is correct about Bootstrap Media Query?
A. Media query is a really fancy term for "conditional CSS rule".
B. It simply applies some CSS, based on certain conditions set forth. If those conditions are met, the style is applied.
C. Both of the above.
D. None of the above..

74. Which of the following is correct about Bootstrap Media Query?
A. Media queries have two parts, a device specification and then a size rule.
B. Media Queries in Bootstrap allow you to move, show and hide content based on the viewport size.
C. Both of the above.
D. None of the above..

75. Which of the following is correct about Bootstrap Mobile First Strategy?
A. You need to add the viewport meta tag to the element, to ensure proper rendering and touch zooming on mobile devices.
B. width property controls the width of the device. Setting it to device-width will make sure that it is rendered across various devices

(mobiles,desktops,tablets...) properly.
C. initial-scale=1.0 ensures that when loaded, your web page will be rendered at a 1:1 scale, and no zooming will be applied out of the box.
D. All of the above.

76. Which of the following is correct about Bootstrap Responsive Images?
A. Bootstrap 3 allows you to make the images responsive by adding a class ..img-responsive to the <.img> tag.
B..img-responsive class applies max-width: 100%; and height: auto; to the image so that it scales nicely to the parent element.
C. Both of the above.
D. None of the above..

77. Which of the following is correct about Bootstrap cross browser consistency?
A. Bootstrap uses Normalize to establish cross browser consistency.
B. Normalize.css is a modern, HTML5-ready alternative to CSS resets.
C. Normalize.css is a small CSS file that provides better cross-browser consistency in the default styling of HTML elements.
D. All of the above.

78. Which of the following class styles a table as a nice basic table with just some light padding and horizontal dividers?

79. Which of the following class styles a table as a nice basic table with stripes on rows?

80. Which of the following class styles a table with borders surrounding every element and rounded corners around the entire table?

81. Which of the following class styles a table with a light gray background to rows while the cursor hovers over them?

82. Which of the following class applies the hover color to a particular row or cell of a table?

83. Which of the following class indicates a successful or positive action?

84. Which of the following class indicates a warning that might need attention?

85. Which of the following class indicates a dangerous or potentially negative action?

86. Which of the following class can be used to create a responsive table?

87. Which of the following is the default layout of a bootstrap form?
D. None of the above.

88. Which of the following class is required to be added to form tag to make it inline?
D. None of the above.

89. Which of the following class is required to be added to form tag to make it horizontal?
D. None of the above.

90. Which of the following is true about bootstrap help text?
A. Bootstrap form controls can have a block level help text that flows with the inputs.
B. To add a full width block of content, use the .help-block after the <input>.
C. Both of the above.
D. None of the above.

91. Which of the following bootstrap style of button creates a default/ standard button?

92. Which of the following bootstrap style of button provides extra visual weight and identifies the primary action in a set of buttons?

93. Which of the following is correct about Bootstrap Grid System?
A. Predefined grid classes like .row and .col-xs-4 are available for quickly making grid layouts. LESS mixins can also be used for more semantic

B. Columns create gutters (gaps between column content) via padding. That padding is offset in rows for the first and the last column via negative

margin on .rows.
C. Grid columns are created by specifying the number of twelve available columns you wish to span. For example, three equal columns would use three

D. All of the above.
Answer : D

94. Which of the following class indicates a warning that might need attention?
Answer : C

95. Which of the following bootstrap style of button indicates caution should be taken with this action?
Answer : A

96. Which of the following bootstrap style of image makes the entire image round by adding border-radius:500px?
D. None of the above.
Answer : B

97. Which of the following bootstrap styles are used to create a justified tabs navigation?
A.nav, .nav-tabs
B.nav, .nav-pills
C.nav, .nav-pills, .nav-stacked
D.nav, .nav-tabs, .nav-justified
Answer : D

98. Which of the following bootstrap style is used to add standard links to .navbar?
D. None of the above.
Answer : A

99. Which of the following is correct about Bootstrap jumbotron?
A. This component can optionally increase the size of headings and add a lot of margin for landing page content.
B. To use the Jumbotron: Create a container <div> with the class of .jumbotron.
C. Both of the above.
D. None of the above.
Answer : C

100. Which of the following is correct about bootstrap wells?
A. You can change the size of well using the optional classes such as, well-lg or well-sm.
B. well-lg or well-sm classes are used in conjunction with .well class.
C. Both of the above.
D. None of the above.
Answer : C


This article contains TOP BOOTSTRAP Interview Questions and Answers which are generally asked during corporate interviews. The whole purpose of this article is to provide a quick overview of BOOTSTRAP Interview Questions and Answers and touch the core concepts behind responsive design practices in brief.

BOOTSTRAP Interview Questions and Answers List

BOOTSTRAP Interview Questions
BOOTSTRAP Interview Questions and Answers

1. What is Bootstrap?
Bootstrap is Javascript framework for building the rich web applications with minimal effort. This framework emphasis more on building mobile web applications.

2. Why to choose Bootstrap for building the websites?
There are few reason why we choose Bootstrap for building websites
Mobile Support: For mobile devices it provides full support in one single file rather than in separate file. It supports the responsive design including adjusting the CSS based on the different types of device, size of the screen etc. It reduces extra effort for developers.
Easy to learn: Writing application in bootstrap is easy if you know CSS and HTML
Browser Support: It supports all the popular browsers like Firefox, Opera, Safari, IE etc.

3. What are the key components of Bootstrap?
The key components of Bootstrap are
► CSS : It comes with plenty of CSS files
► Scaffolding : It provides a basic structure with Grid system , link styles and background
► Layout Components : List of layout components
► JavaScript Plugins: It contains many jQuery and JavaScript plugins
► Customize: To get your own version of framework you can customize your components

4. What are class loaders in Bootstrap?
Class loader is a part of JRE (Java Runtime Environment) which loads Java classes into Java virtual environment. Class loaders also does the process of converting a named class into its equivalent binary form.

5. What are the types of layout available in Bootstrap?
In Bootstrap there are two types of Layout available
Fluid Layout: Fluid layout is used when you want to create a app that is 100% wide and use up all the width of the screen
Fixed Layout: For a standard screen you will use fixed layout (940 px) option

BOOTSTRAP Interview Questions and Answers List

BOOTSTRAP Interview Questions and Answers List

6. what is Bootstrap Grid System?
For creating page layout through a series of rows and columns that house your content Bootstrap Grid Sytem is used.

7. What are offset columns in Bootstrap?
For more specialized layouts offsets are a useful feature. For more spacing they can be used by pushing column over.
For example, .col-xs=* classes do not support offset but they are easily replicated using an empty cell

8. What is column ordering in Bootstrap?
Column ordering is one of the feature available in bootstrap and you can easily write columns in an order and show them in another one. With .col-md-push-* and .col-md-pull-*
the order of the column can be easily changed.

9. What function you can use to wrap a page content?
To wrap a page content you can use .container and using that you can also center the content.

10. Explain what pagination in bootstrap is and how they are classified?
Pagination is the handling of an unordered list by bootstrap. To handle pagination bootstrap provides following classes
► .pagination: To get pagination on your page you have to add this class
► .disabled, .active: Customize links by .disabled for unclickable links and .active to indicate the current page
► .pagination-Ig, .pagination-sm: Use these classes to get different size item